Are prémode items guaranteed authentic?

Yes, all of our items are guaranteed to be authentic. We take great care to carefully authenticate each item and ensure that it meets our high standards for quality and authenticity.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries around the world. Please see our Shipping & Delivery page for more information on international shipping rates and delivery times.

Do you accept returns?

We do not offer change of mind returns on any of the products on our website unless faulty or under conditions set by the Australian Consumer Law.

Can I cancel my order?

If your order hasn't been shipped, you can request for the items to be cancelled by contacting the prémode team on hello@premode.com.au. Please make sure to reach out as soon as possible as we generally post packages within 24 hours. If your items have been shipped, we will not be able to process your cancellation request.

How are the items packaged?

We use recyclable packaging materials. All items are shipped in cardboard boxes and both the shipping label and the tape used are 100% biodegradable.

What if the item I purchased is faulty?

All of the items we sell are pre-owned and they might show signs of wear. We note down any faults in the description. If your item has significant damage that wasn't communicated, please contact our team and we will organise a return.